leveland-features-surveysA level and features survey is often the foundation of any land development project. From extension, to subdivision, to commercial development, the design cannot commence until a site plan is produced. This could include the establishment of Temporary Bench Marks (TBMs) relative to the Australian Height Datum (AHD), aerial and site images, location of site features and determining contours. Add to this, a relationship with the title boundaries (re-establishment survey), the architect, designer, builder, engineer or local authority will have all the relevant site information they require.


Level and features surveys can obtain information to portray some or all of the following:

  • Site contours
  • Levels
  • Existing topographical features
  • Structures
  • Services
  • Vegetation
  • Fencing
  • Heights of structures
  • Depths of services
  • Any physical feature


The information can be represented in hardcopy or CAD and can be depicted in plan view, cross-section or as 3-dimensional models.


We work with our client to refine the scope to ensure the essential information is obtained with no unnecessary add-ons. Our Level and Feature surveys put the 3-Dimensional world into perspective.